Your generosity makes our ministries possible, helping fulfill our mission to teach people 1) to daily live healthier lives, and 2) to develop hearts filled with the character of Jesus Christ. You can make a financial contribution via debit card, using our secure, online option. CLICK TO GIVE!

For those who are desirous to give, but are not comfortable using online options, please contact us.​

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and
be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."
3 John 1:3

Ministries & Outreach

Choosing To Be Chosen

The focus is to minister to the heart of women. Letting them know they are called and personally selected by God. Helping them see their value in Jesus Christ, and that they must choose to accept His invitation to be all that they were created to be. Encouraging them to support one another in their God given purpose. Especially to use their unique gifts and talents to glorify God and to bless others.

Abounding Health Journey

Is a practical guide to help people wisely navigate the obstacles in life, and conscientiously choose healthy ways of living. Here at Abounding Health Ministries we understand there are a variety of things that may hinder one's quest towards healthful living. Our mission is to address these issues while teaching the individual how to responsibly transition into a new way of living. Developing healthy habits is a process. This is the key to progressively experience abounding health daily on life's journey.

Happy New Week!

Is a weekly devotional thought. Each week we are given six days to labor and do all our work. Each day of the week we are given a brand new opportunity to create something new and do good. At the end of each week, we are to rest from all our labor. Within every week their is a reminder of Creation Week, and we are to follow the pattern given to us by God. In the beginning God created the world in six days. Upon the seventh day He rested, blessing it as the day of His rest, and gave this day to those He had created. (Genesis 1:1-2:3 and Exodus 20:8-11) He wanted us to weekly be reminded of Him as the true and living God.  It is our duty to make each week a Happy New Week!

Activities for Children

We dedicate time, love, and energy to foster the personal health and spiritual growth of children and youth. Our mission is to lead children and youth to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is our goal to train and create opportunities for them to serve Him. The activities are designed to empower and equip them to be health-wise Christian examples and leaders everywhere they go. Teaching them skills and how to apply them in their life to build fruitful relationships. We believe each child can be a blessing in their home, school, church, and society.

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Abounding Health Journey
